Programme Structure

Programme of Study : 653110000 Bachelor of Science Program in Biosciences

Level : Bachelor's Degree

School : Science

Field of Study : Biosciences

Programme Reference Year : 2022

Programme Philosophy : Programme of Biosciences (2022) concentrates on being a part to fulfill the Vision and Mission of MFU by producing graduates with complete sets of knowledge and practical skills on biological sciences that are emphasized on the biodiversity and applications according to the Bioecomony, Circular Economy, and Green Economy (BCG) Model, of which aligned partially with some goals of the SDGs. The programme also embedded the social responsibility and communication skills as the essential skill sets for graduates.

Programme Objectives :
  1. Programme of Biosciences (2022) aims to produce graduates with moral and socialresponsibility and full sets of knowledge and practical skills. The graduates must be able to further exploit the diversity of biological resources as well as be able to collaborate with others in multicultural societies. To co-create academic works or products or innovations and be able to apply statistics and information technology for academic and professional communication.

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